Many creative collectives start up from a group of friends that like to organise events together.

DAY 1 -

On our first day, we  get to know each other and the projects and collectives we are part of. Through exercises, we identify expectations and motivations in the group.

In the afternoon, we jump straight into alternative theories of structuring collectives beyond simple hierarchical structures. This is followed by a general overview on possibilities and practises around collaborative decision making. 

DAY 2 -

On day two, we talk about developing efficient and transparent communication strategies for our collectives focusing on real life examples in the group.

We tackle the difficult question of value and its relationship to money introducing terms such as affective commons and talk about activated responses around the sensitive topic of money and how to show up with presence and understanding. Lastly, we will look at alternative forms of ownership.

DAY 3 -

The third day is dedicated to relationships in collectives. We talk about conflicts, what goes well and what doesn’t, taking participants own examples to design a conflict strategy and system for their collective. Highlighting the key to conflict prevention, normalization and transformation.

In the afternoon, we talk about interpersonal differences, universal values and possible conflict triggers including trauma induced behaviour, neurodivergence and polarization.

DAY 4 -

In our last day together, we will focus on the importance of ourselves as individuals and our relationship to our collectives and work.

We will clarify through models the difference between competency and capacity given that project exhaustion and burn-out are overarchingly common amongst community managers and social nodes. Then, we will explore how community driven-spaces and businesses contribute to local well-being.

German-Mexican Diana Nayeli Monsberger is a budding leader in the realms of culture-oriented community management. She brings years of experience working in leadership positions inside Blivande, The Borderland festival and more.

Together with Jonas Gröner, she leads this four day exploration into the complex intricacies of group psychology and dynamics that arises in any group and community trying to achieve something together, be it a festival, running a successful nightclub or managing diverse groups of artists in a music label.


Nightlife venues and collectives create communities around them. Communities consist of people and people are beautifully messy, which means that the occasional mess, may it be practical or emotional, needs to be cleaned up. 

Often there is a one or a few crew members that naturally gravitate towards space holding in any given group of people. They support the crew beyond practical tasks as people, act as communication links between different parts of the organisation and have a high affinity towards budding tensions and conflicts in the group.

In a corporate environment this people are called community or experience managers. In artist collectives and nightlife businesses, this role is seldomly explicit and often held by someone with the natural inclination. They are the social glue of the organisation and are trusted deeply. They hold a crucial role in kindly caring the intensity of what it means to run a night life venue or music collective.

This masterclass of the the Night Academy is for those that are the social glue of the organisation. It is a place to talk about the challenges and joys that come with the task. To share best practises and community theory. It’s a place to nerd out on the influence that “social nodes” can have in the general wellbeing of the organisation, members and its future. We  will talk about the intersection of the personal and the professional and discuss sensitive topics related to building up trust-based communities.

We will  dive into contemporary community theories and talk about shared legal and financial ownership, less hierarchical forms of decision making and online tools and communication strategies that support trust-based collectives. We will explore how this incremental changes in our communities and businesses can support the larger collective transformation towards a responsible and meaningful future society.

Lastly we will discuss the role of self-development and personal growth in creating thriving, safe and fun environments for teams and communities.


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